Critical Illness

Critical illness insurance is a form of supplemental health insurance that pays a lump sum amount to the insured typically designed to wipe out one’s deductible, if they are diagnosed with specific serious illnesses, such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, or organ transplant. The benefit can be used to cover expenses not covered by other insurance or to meet other financial needs, such as mortgage payments, transportation, or childcare. Critical illness insurance can provide financial protection and Peace of Mind for the insured and their family during times of health crisis. It can also help reduce the burden of high deductibles and outpatient costs. 
  • Critical illness insurance pays a lump-sum amount to the insured person if they are diagnosed with a specific serious illness, such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, or organ transplant. 
  • Critical illness insurance can cover expenses that are not covered by other insurance, such as deductibles, co-pays, or out-of-network costs. 
  • Critical illness insurance can also be used for nonmedical costs related to the illness, such as mortgage payments, transportation, childcare or household expenses. 
  • Critical illness insurance can provide financial protection and peace of mind for the insured and their family during times of health crisis. 
  • Critical illness insurance can be purchased through an employer or individually, and the coverage and cost may vary depending on the plan and the personal factors of the insured. 

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