Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a type of coverage that provides income replacement typically 65% to 75% of one’s income in the event of a disabling illness or injury. It can help you maintain your standard of living, pay for medical expenses, and protect your savings and assets. 
  • It is tailored to your needs. You can choose the amount of coverage, the waiting period, and benefit., and the definition of disability that suits your situation and budget. 
  • It is portable. You can keep your policy even if you change jobs or careers, as long as you pay the premiums. This gives you Peace of Mind and continuity of protection. 
  • It is tax free if said it properly, the benefits you receive from your personal disability insurance are generally not taxable, as long as you pay the premiums with after tax dollars. This means you can enjoy the full value of your benefits without any deductions. 
  • It is flexible, you can adjust your policy as your needs change over time period for example, you can increase your coverage if your income rises, or add riders that enhance your benefits or waive your premiums. 
  • It is complementary. You can use your personal disability insurance to supplement any other sources of income you may have in case of disability, such as employer sponsored plans, government programs, or personal savings. This way, you can ensure that you have enough income to cover all your expenses and goals. 
Personal disability insurance is a smart investment that can protect your most valuable asset, your income: your ability to earn income by having this coverage you can secure your financial future and focus on your recovery. 

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